Wednesday, 1 February 2012

First Blog

So, this is my first blog.  I decided since I'm about to embark on a new chapter  in my life I should give people a chance to follow the ups, downs, sideways moves and complete u-turns that may occur. 

The first step on this new path is a live acoustic session for Radio Tircoed's - Acoustic show this Friday 3rd of Feb in the evening.  Really looking forward to meeting Stuart Loosemore face to face, and to sharing a studio with my tour partner and avid blogger Ryan James

We'll be chatting about the tour we'll be launching and embarking on in February and March and letting you know where in the country will be so you can come and catch us.

Today I've been bed-ridden with a horrible cold which has effected my ability to sing.  Fingers crossed for a quick turn around over the next coupld of days so I'm fit to sing and play live over the airwaves and internet.

There'll be a lot of changes over the next few months, new challenges, new adventures, and most of all, a whole load of new people to meet, work with, write with, record with and of course,drink with!!

Thanks to everyone who's supported me and my music so far, be prepared for some big things in the near future. 2012 is the year for getting things done, join in, get involved and follow my journey alongside your own. :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blog Mr H....although,having said that,I haven't put anything for a while. We'll be listening in on Friday,so knock em dead there.......
