Well, over 2 years to be precise! The lack of a home computer after my lap-top power-supply decided to die meant that I was restricted to either using the Library computers or work computers in my lunch hour, which, as you'll understand is not conducive to a continuous relationship with the blogisphere.
Well I'm now back in the world of home computing, and a whole lot has happened in those two years. Last time I blogged, I was about to support Panic Room for the first time, on the summer launch gigs of their album S K I N. Since then I supported them on their full tour in November/December 2012 and in a lovely bit of serendipity on the 13th of June (almost 2 years to the day since the first time) I was invited to support Panic Room at The Robin2 in Bilston. A very different set from first time as new songs have been written since and a new album is being recorded, but an old favourite of both mine and Jonathon Edwards' "Who Knows Where the Time Goes" by Sandy Denny was included for old time's sake, as was "The Delicious Company of Freaks" of course.
So, what's happening right now? Well, I've formed a band to play my next album with me both in the studio, and later on the road, all the latest news about that can be found on my new website http://www.howardalansinclair.co.uk.
I am now also back in the world of the television viewer, but since my move to a one bed flat in the leafy parts of Cheltenham, it is less of a drain on my time, and is only watched when either something really good is on, or when I've done all the other important things I need to do and just want to wind down.
I am also once again the owner (well, borrower for the time being, it's on hire) of a Cello. It was the first instrument I ever mastered as a child, and since there are at least two songs on this album which need Cello, I decided it was time to literally add another string to my bow. It's been lovely rekindling my love for the sound and feel of the Cello, and I'm looking forward to using it in a number of ways. A fantastic half hour or so was spent jamming on Cello with a good friend Magic Andy on the Lap Steel. An unusually haunting and sensuous combination of sounds and one I'm going to start working with in my home studio for some instrumental projects, keep an eye on ReverbNation and Soundcloud for new tunes!
So, I'll keep it short for this first blog after a long break, but I'll be back when I have something more profound and thought provoking to say. In the mean time, stay delicious, freaks :)
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